Co-organised in collaboration with ANIMAR – Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Local
Célia Lavado e Raúl Jorge Marques
Facilitators: Marco Domingues and Marisa Candeias
Frederico Reis (Centro de Dia de São Silvestre de Escalos de Baixo)
Sara Antunes and Fernanda Vaz (Activar - Associação de Cooperação da Lousã)
Francisca Weiner (Espaço T)
Inácia Rebocho (Associação MONTE)
Marta Lucas (ADSCCL)
Cláudia Marques, Marlene Vaz and Beatriz Garanhoto (Fundação Aga Khan)
Maria Luísa Almeida (Rural Move)
Sandra Cerqueira (Casa da Alegria)
António Fernandes (President of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco)
Leopoldo Martins Rodrigues (President of the Castelo Branco City Council)
Maria João Guardado Moreira (Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Research Unit - Functional Ageing Communities, Age.Comm)
Musical Moment (Students from the School of Applied Arts)
Christopher Phillipson Conference
Professor de Sociologia e Gerontologia Social na Universidade de Manchester | Professor of Sociology and Social Gerontology, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester
Sibila Marques Conference
Professora auxiliar no ISCTE-IUL e membro integrada do Centro de Investigação e de Intervenção Social (CIS-IUL) | Assistant Professor at ISCTE-IUL and integrated member of the Centre for Research and Social Intervention (CIS-IUL)
Included in the registration fee.
Requires prior registration for the activity on the personal area of the congress until November 8th.
Constantino Sakellarides Conference
Professor Jubilado da ENSP-UNL I Emeritus Professor at the ENSP-UNL
Offered by the Municipality of Castelo Branco
Requires prior registration for the activity on the personal area of the congress until November 8th.
Rodrigo Serrat Conference
Is Serra Húnter professor titular; membro do Grupo de Investigação em Gerontologia da Universidade de Barcelona | Is Serra Húnter tenure-track lecturer; member of the Gerontology Research Group at the University of Barcelona
António Fernandes (President of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco)
João Carvalhinho (Executive Secretary of the Intermunicipal Community of Beira Baixa)
Lucinda Sofia A. Carvalho (President of the Organising Committee)
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