• 16th to 18th November, 2023

    Escola Superior de Tecnologia do IPCB - Av. do Empresário ,Campus da Talagueira, 6000-767 Castelo Branco


16-18 | NOV | 2023


Escola Superior de Tecnologia - IPCB

Full Articles

31 | JAN | 2024




The 3rd Congress of the Interdisciplinary Research Unit - Functional Ageing Communities, of the Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, addresses the theme of Sustainability in Ageing.

Over three days (16th, 17th and 18th of November, 2023), this international event will present and explore the theme of sustainability understood in its integrated dimension, and therefore, in its environmental, economic, social, political and cultural aspects.

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Book of Abstracts

Speakers already confirmed

Abílio José Maroto Amiguinho

Licenciado em Sociologia e Doutor em Ciências da Educação, especialidade em Formação de Adultos | Degree in Sociology and a PhD in Education Sciences, specializing in Adult Education.


Abílio José Maroto Amiguinho

Licenciado em Sociologia e Doutor em Ciências da Educação, especialidade em Formação de Adultos | Degree in Sociology and a PhD in Education Sciences, specializing in Adult Education.

Is a retired Coordinating Professor at the Department of Social Sciences, Territory and Development at the School of Education and Social Sciences of the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, where he has worked since 1986.  

Is a founding member of the Institute of Educational Communities. He was President of the Board of Directors of the Higher School of Education of Portalegre and President of the Association of Public Higher Schools of Education. Was a member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education's Institute for Educational Innovation. Was President of the Scientific Council of ESECS.  

As a teacher in Higher Education he has worked in areas such as School Administration, Educational Research, Adult Education, Social and Community Intervention and Social Service, both in Undergraduate and Master's courses.   

Has coordinated or integrated teams of several projects of socio-educational intervention from which we highlight the ECO II Project or the Rural Schools Project, in the Northeast Alentejo Region, or more recently the Project Potencializar Recursos, Valorizar e Qualificar Pessoas e Organizações, also in a rural environment and in this region of the country. 

Is the author of several articles and book chapters, published in Portugal or abroad, and of the books Living the Formation Building the Change and The School and the Future of the Rural World, and co-organizer of the book Schools and Change, the Role of Training Centers. 

Currently integrates the Social Bodies of the Institute of Educational Communities and the Cooperativa Operária Portalegrense, a cultural cooperative registered in CASES, where he integrates projects of intervention of aging in the community, in low density territories and in an intergenerational perspective.

Alvaro Cidrais



Alvaro Cidrais


Has a Master's degree in Geography and Regional Development (1998) and postgraduate degrees in different areas of management. Is a manager, advisor, project manager, trainer and lecturer. Has extensive experience in leadership in ethical and competitive contexts, in Sustainable Territorial Development, Participation and Social and Environmental Responsibility. Is co-founder of the cooperative Lado Bom.

Ana Beatriz Vieira Garanhoto

AGA KHAN PORTUGAL | Programa Smart4Ageing


Ana Beatriz Vieira Garanhoto

AGA KHAN PORTUGAL | Programa Smart4Ageing


Beatriz Vieira, licenciada em Serviço Social pelo ISCSP e na Fundação Aga Khan, desde 2017, desempenhando funções relativas ao desenvolvimento de projetos comunitários com vista ao fortalecimento do tecido da sociedade civil (Organizações e Famílias). Atualmente, no Programa Seniores (Smart4Ageing) apostando na inovação e modernização dos modelos de funcionamento dos Centros de Dia e numa maior representação da pessoa com 65+ anos em fóruns de debate e decisão.

Ana João Sepúlveda

Expert em Economia da Longevidade e em Envelhecimento Sustentado | Expert in Longevity Economics and Sustainable Aging


Ana João Sepúlveda

Expert em Economia da Longevidade e em Envelhecimento Sustentado | Expert in Longevity Economics and Sustainable Aging

With over 17 years of experience in marketing and market research, has been studying the effects of longevity on populations, society and the economy for over 12 years. Is the CEO of 40+ Lab, the only business consulting firm in Portugal fully dedicated to the development of the Longevity Economy. Has a degree in sociology from Universidade Nova de Lisboa, a master's degree in North American Cultural Studies from Universidade Aberta and a master's degree in innovation and coolhunting from Escola Superior de Comunicação Social. Is considered an influencer in the area of Longevity Economics, being also recognized as a pioneer in the development of this theme in Portugal. She is also recognized for her global network of connections in the area of Longevity Economics and aging, which covers all 5 continents. Thus, over these 15 years she has worked for some of the most important national companies in business development projects. Currently he highlights the work in the conversion of regions and cities into longevity friendly zones, having the longevity economy as one of the axes for growth and sustainability. Is currently President of Associação Age Friendly Portugal, Ambassador of the Aging 2.0 network, Member of the Covenant on Demgraphic Change, of the Portuguese Network for Safe, Healthy and Friendly Environments and member of the board of Associação Cidadania Social. Published books: 2000 - Political Marketing on the Internet, Centro Atlântico Publishing House. 2011 - Marketing for the 45+. An expanding market. Co-author: Luis Rasquilha. Actual Publisher.

Carlos Manuel Leitão Maia



Carlos Manuel Leitão Maia



Christopher Phillipson

Professor de Sociologia e Gerontologia Social na Universidade de Manchester | Professor of Sociology and Social Gerontology, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester


Christopher Phillipson

Professor de Sociologia e Gerontologia Social na Universidade de Manchester | Professor of Sociology and Social Gerontology, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester


Chris Phillipson is Professor of Sociology and Social Gerontology in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Manchester. He has led a number of research programmes concerned with family and community life in old age, problems of poverty and social exclusion, social theory and ageing, and issues relating to urbanisation and migration. He has a particular interest in questions relating to the relationship between urban development and population ageing. He has published numerous books and research papers on various topics relating to the development of ageing populations. Chris is the co-director of the Manchester Institute for Collaborative Research on Ageing (MICRA). He is a Fellow of the British Gerontological Society and the Gerontological Society of America. His latest books are: COVID-19, Inequality and Older People: Everyday Life During the Pandemic (Policy Press, co-authored), and Ageing in Place in Urban Environments: Critical Perspectives (Routledge Books, co-authored). 

Cláudia Marques

AGA KHAN PORTUGAL | Programa Smart4Ageing


Cláudia Marques

AGA KHAN PORTUGAL | Programa Smart4Ageing

Cláudia Marques, licenciada em Economia pelo ISEG, pós-graduada em Estudos Africanos pelo ISCTE, pós-graduada em Psicogerontologia pelo ISPA e pós-graduada em Missões Humanitárias pela ESSCVP. Na Fundação Aga Khan Portugal, desde 2007, é responsável pelo Programa Seniores (agora designado Smart4Ageing), desde a sua conceção, em 2016, nomeadamente pela gestão da equipa, definição estratégica e sua operacionalização e pelo estabelecimento de parcerias; acumulando com as funções de técnica de projetos.

Constantino Sakellarides

Professor Jubilado da ENSP-UNL I Emeritus Professor at the ENSP-UNL


Constantino Sakellarides

Professor Jubilado da ENSP-UNL I Emeritus Professor at the ENSP-UNL

Constantino Sakellarides, born on February 1st, 1941, resident in Oeiras. 

Is Professor Emeritus of ENSP-UNL. Is part of the team leading the project "Safeguarding and Transforming the NHS - General States" of the "Fundação para a Saúde - SNS"; Is a consultant of the EU Economic and Social Committee (April to July 2023) for the assessment by this consultative body of the "European Union Strategy for Global Health", proposed by the European Commission.

Fernanda Maria Gonçalves Vaz



Fernanda Maria Gonçalves Vaz



Francisca Soares Weiner



Francisca Soares Weiner



Frederico Joaquim de Matos Fazenda dos Reis

Centro de Dia de São Silvestre de Escalos de Baixo


Frederico Joaquim de Matos Fazenda dos Reis

Centro de Dia de São Silvestre de Escalos de Baixo


  • Licenciado em Contabilidade e Gestão de Recursos
  • Inscrito na Ordem dos Contabilistas Certificados
  • Coordenador Geral na associação de desenvolvimento local - Centro Municipal de Cultura e Desenvolvimento de Idanha-a-Nova
  • Tesoureiro da Direção do Centro de Dia de S. Silvestre de Escalos de Baixo - Castelo Branco, desde 2016
  • Presidente da Mesa do Conselho Geral para o Distrito de Castelo Branco, da EAPN - Rede Europeia Anti Pobreza, desde 2015
  • Integrou de 2013 a 2015 a Direção da ANIMAR - Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento Social


João Fatela Davide

Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Castelo Branco


João Fatela Davide

Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Castelo Branco


Nascido a 09/04/1956 em Idanha-a-Nova.

Ensino primário e secundário em Castelo Branco, Liceu Nuno Álvares.

Fez licenciatura em Medicina pela Faculdade de Ciências Médicas de Lisboa.

Regressou a Castelo Branco em 1980, onde desenvolveu toda a sua vida profissional.

Estágio no Hospital Amato Lusitano, prestando serviço nas várias especialidades, Serviço de Urgência e integrou equipa que inaugurou Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos.

Após especialidade em Medicina Geral e Familiar ingressou na carreira no Centro de Saúde de Castelo Branco.

Em 1990 integrou equipa de abertura do Centro de Atendimento a Toxicodependentes de Castelo Branco, onde exerceu serviço como Chefe de Serviço e Diretor do Departamento de Intervenção em Comportamentos Aditivos e Dependências do Distrito de Castelo Branco, até ao momento de Aposentação em 2023.

Simultaneamente desde 1985 é Diretor dos Serviços de Saúde da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Castelo Branco, e exercendo funções clinicas também na ERPI correspondente.

José Pedro Antunes

Coordenador Executivo do INCoDe.2030


José Pedro Antunes

Coordenador Executivo do INCoDe.2030

“Coordenador Executivo do INCoDe.2030, Strategic Advisory na IF Insight & Foresight e orador convidado no curso para executivos “Futures, Strategic Design & Foresight” no ISEG.

Nos últimos anos tem desenvolvido trabalho em diferentes setores de atividade, em Portugal e no estrangeiro, com particular foco na gestão e definição de soluções que visam aliar tecnologias inovadoras e disruptivas à visão estratégica das organizações, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento de novos modelos de negócios.

Detém um Executive Master Business Administration (UPCO - Madrid), uma pós-graduação em Foresight, Strategy and Innovation (ISEG) e uma pós-graduação em Information Management and Business Intelligence in Healthcare (NOVA IMS)“

Maria Luísa Almeida

Associação Rural Move


Maria Luísa Almeida

Associação Rural Move

I was born in the north of Portugal, on All Saints' Day, in the year of Woodstock, and I currently live in Porto. I'm all about causes and volunteering, and it's through volunteering that I'm pursuing my childhood dream of one day becoming a nurse. Mum to a beautiful 27-year-old boy and "slave" to my cat Cupcake, I specialise in Customer Service and, because I believe that excellence is transversal, I've worked in areas as diverse as drinks sales, technological equipment (Bragg networks - FBG), tourism and geriatric assistance. During the pandemic (2020), together with other "displaced persons", we formed the Rural Move Association which, with partners, works to redefine the human, economic and demographic landscape of rural areas, contributing to their revitalisation.


Marlene Gonçalves Vaz

AGA KHAN PORTUGAL | Programa Smart4Ageing


Marlene Gonçalves Vaz

AGA KHAN PORTUGAL | Programa Smart4Ageing


Marlene Vaz, licenciada em Animação Sociocultural na Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, integrou a Fundação Aga Khan Portugal em 2013, onde tem trabalhado no fortalecimento da Sociedade Civil, com trabalho muito próximo com as organizações sociais; desde 2017, que integra a equipa do Programa Seniores (agora designado Smart4Ageing), essencialmente no concelho de Sintra, com implementação e acompanhamento de projetos comunitários de resposta ao envelhecimento e integrando a equipa de conceção e implementação do Plano Municipal para o Envelhecimento Ativo, Saudável e Inclusivo, com a CMS.

Marta Lucas

Assistente Social


Marta Lucas

Assistente Social


MONTE - Inácia Lopes Rebocho

Técnica de Desenvolvimento Local


MONTE - Inácia Lopes Rebocho

Técnica de Desenvolvimento Local

Inácia Lopes Rebocho, 49 anos, experiência de trabalho de 26 anos em Desenvolvimento Local, nas áreas do planeamento, conceção e execução de proposta de intervenção em resposta aos problemas identificados nas comunidades (rurais) e ajustadas aos diferentes instrumentos de programação e financiamento existentes, ao nível regional, nacional e internacional; licenciada em Investigação Social Aplicada e Pós-Graduada em Planeamento e Avaliação de Processos de Desenvolvimento;


Rodrigo Serrat

Is Serra Húnter professor titular; membro do Grupo de Investigação em Gerontologia da Universidade de Barcelona | Is Serra Húnter tenure-track lecturer; member of the Gerontology Research Group at the University of Barcelona


Rodrigo Serrat

Is Serra Húnter professor titular; membro do Grupo de Investigação em Gerontologia da Universidade de Barcelona | Is Serra Húnter tenure-track lecturer; member of the Gerontology Research Group at the University of Barcelona

Rodrigo Serrat, PhD, is a Serra Húnter tenure-track lecturer and a member of the Gerontology Research Group at the Department of Cognition, Development and Educational Psychology of the University of Barcelona, Spain. His research focuses on civic engagement in later life, exploring issues of diversity and inclusion in different contexts, such as local and state policy making, volunteering and political organisations, seniors’ interest organisations, and aged-care facilities. He currently leads the five-country-multi-method consortium that is CIVEX [Exclusion from civic engagement of a diverse older population: Determinants, experiences, and policy implications (CIVEX); funded through the fourth call of the Joint Programme Initiative More Years Better Lives (https://civex.eu/).  Dr Serrat is Associate Editor of Ageing & Society since 2021, (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/ageing-and-society/information/editorial-board).  

Sandra Cerqueira



Sandra Cerqueira



Sara Alexandra Cortês dos Santos Antunes



Sara Alexandra Cortês dos Santos Antunes



Publication of abstracts in the Lecture Notes in Bioengineering series

In addition to publishing your abstract in the book of abstracts, you can also publish your work as a book chapter, in English, in the Lecture Notes in Bioengineering series, (Indexed by INSPEC, SCImago, SCOPUS, zbMATH), in a special volume for the congress. The process of accepting and selecting articles for publication is governed by the publisher's internal rules, based on the "double-blind peer-review" system. For authors considering publication in chapter format in the book published by Springer, submission of the full article must follow the guidelines that we will provide later and must take place by January 31, 2024.
The book with the accepted chapters will be published in the second half of 2024.

Learn more about submitting abstracts HERE

Exclusive online session for presentation of communications

Proof of institutional affiliation to non-Portuguese entities needed
Limited to the 1st submission phase


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